* Born in 1967, documentary film director and author, lives in Zurich. Studied German literature, philology and communication science. Worked as journalist and chief editor for the Schweizer Fernsehen political magazine “Rundschau” for many years. Documentary film author for SRF since 2008. Co-founder and owner of the independent production company “Lucky Film GmbH” since 2009. Lives with her husband and their two sons in Zurich.

Filmography Lucky Film GmbH
Die Wiesenberger – No Business Like Show Business
A film by Martin Schlit and Bernard Weber.
Feature documentary, 90 min., co-produced with Zeitraumfilm GmbH

Dark Star – HR Giger’s World
Feature documentary, 95 min.
‘Die letzten Gärtner – Betrachtungen über das Wachstum’ (unofficial title: ‘The Last Gardener – Reflections on Growth’)
TV documentary for DOK, 50 min., SRF and 3sat
‘Warten auf das zweite Leben – Organmangel und Transplantation in der Schweiz’ (unofficial title: ‘Waiting for a Second Life – Organ Scarcity and Transplantation in Switzerland’)
TV documentary for DOK, 53 min., SRF and 3sat
Jedes Wort eine Zeitbombe – New York nach dem 11. September’ (unofficial title: ‘Every Word a Time bomb – New York after September 11th)
TV documentary for Reporter, 30 min., SRF and 3sat
Wahre Helden – Von Zivilcourage, Todesmut und Bescheidenheit’ (unofficial title: ‘True Heroes – Of Civil Courage, Gallantry and Humility’)
TV documentary for Reporter, 25 min., SRF and 3sat
‘Die Jagd nach Öl’ (unofficial title: ‘The Hunt for Oil’) TV documentary for DOK, 50 min., SRF and 3sat, 50 Min., SRF und 3sat.
‘Ungeliebte Deutsche - Vom Störfaktor zum Hassobjekt’ (unofficial title: ‘The Unpopular German – From Annoyance to Object of Hate’)
TV documentary for Reporter, 25 min., SRF and 3sat
‘Gesucht: Gemeindepräsident/-in - Notstand im Herzen der Demokratie’ (unofficial title: ‘Wanted: Council Leader – Emergency at the Heart of Democracy’)
TV documentary for DOK, 50 min., SRF and 3sat
‘Anatomie einer Arztserie’ (unofficial title: ‘Anatomy of a TV Medical Series’)
TV documentary for DOK, 50 min., SRF and 3sat
‘Streit um das Erbe - Wenn Geschwister teilen müssen’ (unofficial title: ‘The Battle Over Inheritance – When Siblings Have to Share’)
TV documentary for DOK, 50 min., SRF and 3sat