* Belinda Sallin, Director
I have no idea why a “World Cat Day” exists, but I just read that it’s today. That makes it the perfect moment to pay tribute to a certain feline: Müggi III.
Once someone asked me: What’s the thing that scares you most at HR Giger’s house? I knew the answer right away: Müggi! Müggi is totally unpredictable! When I’m in the same room with Müggi I don’t like to let him out of my sight. It’s not that I don’t like him. On the contrary, I have great respect for him, but he has scared the daylights out of me on several occasions. He delights in sticking his claws into visitor’s thighs, or resting on their shoulders. I’m sure he means well. Maybe it’s just his predatory genes getting the better of him. Maybe he’s just looking for attention (not that I ever had the feeling he needed to look very far) or maybe he’s just showing us who the man of the house is. Whatever the case may be, Hansruedi loved his Müggi III and his predecessors Müggi II and I more than anything else in the world. Several photos testify to this. He often posed with his cats, or had them filmed.